June 11

1 min readJun 11, 2020

Loving God, my faith, my hope, and my love finds its wellspring in you. I pray that they may ever increase in me and be offered as a gift to others to give glory to your name.

Always the temptation to define fruitfulness by a worldly standard, rather than taking cues from abiding in Him, and He in me. To contemplate him, to worship him, to embrace him, in our daily encounter with him in the Eucharist, in our life of prayer, in our moments of adoration; it means to recognize him present and to embrace him in those most in need. “Being with” Christ does not mean isolating ourselves from others. Perhaps we should not draw unnecessary distinctions between time with God and time in fellowship with others. It is a “being with” in order to go forth and encounter others.




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